Le Cap Vert, c’est le pays du carnaval, nous avons eu la chance de vivre trois carnavals à Sao Nicolau, celui de l’école primaire Lucilia Freitas, celui de Tarrafal, et pour finir le carnaval de Vila da Ribeira Brava, l’un des plus réputé. Des moments hauts en couleur où des chars majestueux rivalisent avec la beauté des costumes. S’ensuit un défilé où la population chante et danse la samba au rythme des musiciens perchés sur des camions sonos.
The Carnaval celebrations in the Cap Verde islands are an integral part of Cap-Verdean culture. We were lucky enough to experience 3 different celebrations here in Sao Nicolau. The eventful week began with the Carnaval of the elementary school Lucilia Freitas, followed by Tarrafal’s and finishing with one of the most famous of all in the island’s capital, Vila da Ribeira Brava. All 3 celebrations were colorful, exuberant and full of life with their magnificent floats and flamboyant costumes. Everybody follows the parades, singing and dancing the samba to the beat of the musicians, perched on their mobile stages!